Sunday, 17 July 2011

Case 1
An inconsiderate slob dumped trash on Rachel Rabbit's lawn. One of these two suspects (cow and raccoon) is guilty. Slylock Fox found evidence that may identify the loathsome litterbug.
What did Slylock observe to help him identify the trash tosser?

He observed the type of trash found on Rachel Rabbit's lawn. We can infer from the bones in the trash that the raccoon is the tosser as the cow does not eat meat. He can also test for fingerprints.

Skylock found bones in the trash.
The bull is an herbivore and only eats plants.
The raccoon is an omnivore and eats both plants and animals.
The raccoon is the trash tosser. 

Awareness Test
I managed to count 13 passes made by the white team, which was correct. However, I did not see the moonwalking bear initially. I was too focused on counting the number of passes the white team made and blocked out the others that were wearing dark coloured clothes. I saw the bear only when I watched the video for the 2nd time, after I found out that there was actually a bear in the video. 

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